Bower YNA has been a long-term Corporate member of the RCSA, the leading industry and professional body representing the recruitment and human resources services sector in Australia, as well as being a founding member of ANRA (Association of Nursing Recruitment Agencies) which is its specialist nursing and healthcare recruitment division.
Additionally, we maintain membership to the APNS (Association of Private Nursing Services) which provides more focus on the community sector. The APNS consists of members committed to growing the private community care sector in Australia and ensuring quality and accountability for all service users.
All of Bower YNA's services adhere to a strict Code of Professional Conduct and are guaranteed to comply with applicable legislative requirements.
Quality Certification
Quality certified to ISO 9001standards, we strive for best practice in all we do. Our policies, procedures and business operations are audited bi-annually by external, impartial, accredited auditors to ensure that we maintain and improve, where possible, the quality of service being provided.
Bower YNA has been appointed to the panel of suppliers under the NSW Government's Prequalification Scheme in the contingent workforce category until 2018.
Additionally, we are an approved provider of Home Care Services through the Australian Government Department of Social Services, effective from June 2015.