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Nurse jobs in Sydney – Night Shift Survival Tips
Survival tips for Sydney nurses working night shift Nurse jobs in Sydney have different night shift durations and workloads, but there are some tips for night shift nurses that are universal. Perhaps learning to cope with a new sleep routine is one of the first obstacles that a night shift nurse has to overcome. This…
Nurse Agency Tips: How To Protect Your Hands At Work
Agency Tips for nurses to protect their hands at work Nursing jobs in Sydney can be rewarding, but nurse jobs often take a toll, especially on your hands. A nurse’s hands are perhaps the most exposed part of the body that is frequently washed using harsh soaps and chemicals, and powdered latex and nitrile gloves….
Nurse Job Tips: Communication Tips for Nurses and Nursing Assistants
When you imagine the duties of a nurse – all of the clinical duties usually associated with such a professional are what come to mind first, no doubt. However, while clinical skills will help you conduct your work as a nurse, being able to communicate effectively is also another skill to be learned. Being able…
Agency Nursing Tips: How nurses can avoid medication errors
Tips for nurses on avoiding medication errors Medication errors would never happen in a perfect world. But they do, and 60% of errors are caused by a nurse. The long hours and stress contribute to nurses making mistakes. The most common result of medication errors in nurse jobs in Australia are extended hospital stays, disability,…
Nursing Agency Tips: Healthy eating and living tips for nurses
Nurse Agency Lifestyle Tips For Eating Healthy & Work Maintaining work/life balance is hard as a nurse when you work with patients and are doing back-to-back shifts. You don’t have time to sit down for a decent meal, or spend time with family/friends. Taking care of yourself, as much as your patients, is important. Our…
Nurse Job Tips: Quick Beauty Tips For Busy Nurses
Quick Beauty Tips For Busy Nurses in Australia While nursing can be a very demanding job, that doesn’t mean one needs to forget the basic beauty tips for nurses that should be followed to look after themselves. With a bit of care and a disciplined routine you don’t have to let stress rob you of…
Nursing Guide to Back Pain and Injury Prevention and Recovery
If you’re asked to name one of the physically strenuous jobs in the world, nursing fits the category. Nurses are constantly on the move, and part of the job is to lift, reposition, and move patients day in and day out. All these can have a negative impact on the muscle and bones over time….
Recovering from cold or flu the evidence-based way
The Influenza virus affects people every year everywhere. “Flu” is spread when fluids from coughs and sneezes of those who are infected reach someone else. Tell-tale symptoms include a dry cough, fever, body aches, sore throat, runny nose, nasal congestion, fatigue and decreased appetite. Generally, these symptoms take up to eight days to go away…
Great Reasons Why Nurses Make Good Friends
There are many reasons why nurses get on together! In this guide, we’ll explore why making friends with other nurses can be so beneficial. Whether you are looking for RN jobs in Australia or elsewhere, you’re probably keen to make new friends. There’s no harm in that! In fact, studies show that making friends with…
Ways You Can Achieve Your Nursing Goals Quicker
As a nurse, you likely have plenty of career goals. But how do you even start to approach these targets? Here are a few helpful ideas. Nursing is a hugely rewarding industry. It’s always possible to build a fantastic, varied career, whether you apply for travelling nurse jobs in Sydney, or if you prefer to…